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Tribes Alehouse Tables


Here is the engraved name for the restaurant. Went to great lengths to simulate the actual logo from their site. I did these free hand, so I made a master copy, put it over each brace and spray painted some black to act as a guide. They turned out good, all a bit different. Still need final sanding and stain.


We have been working feverishly to get all the tables done for Tribes Alehouse, all the small ones are built all 22 of them! We’re on to the bigger more complex tables, 3 pedestals, a big square table and a large custom bench. The pedestals will get cross braces with “TRIBES” engraved on both sides. Here are the pictures of the small tables, 22 total all natural hickory on top, every single one is different due to the grain, you really have to see it in person to appreciate all the details, hickory has to be one of my favorite woods.
